We Are Ready For A Mobile-Ready Website!
Google made an announcement that they will be favoring websites that are mobile-ready in their rankings. This fact was brought upon by the results of research pertaining that most sales done online and offline are made by customers who browsed the internet about the product through their mobile web search prior to finally purchasing items. It is not surprising since many digital gadgets let online users to stay connected online wherever they are. Therefore, in response to the needs of online users, websites that allows visitors to easily access them through portable digital devices are being encouraging more website developers to create mobile ready-websites.
Answering the demands for mobile website optimization, Local Top Rank launched one of their innovative services yet. For $29.99 per month your website will become mobile-ready.
Through this, business owners who are looking to utilize the great World Wide Web to maximize profits may now enjoy Local Top Rank’s latest service. Local Top Rank is now offering mobile packages. This Package includes a mobile website with five to seven pages, customized logos from their expert graphic team to further your website’s appeal, image gallery, mobile coupon, online, sign up form, QR codes, and an hour of training so you may be able to understand better the how-to of your website. And if the website’s pages are not enough, clients may request for extra pages for an additional charge or better yet upgrade to a Premium Mobile Package that allows unlimited web pages as well as a sound online marketing strategy.